

五分六合彩 hosts several seasonal cultural events and you can learn about them here!

Seven Sacred Teachings

The American Indian College Fund awarded 五分六合彩 (五分六合彩) funds as part of a Community Awareness Think Indian grant in 2020. These funds allowed 五分六合彩 to commission a Bay Mills Tribal Member artist, Kalista Perron, to paint a Seven Sacred Teachings mural in the Michael C. Parish Administration Building. The mural includes voice recordings from 五分六合彩 faculty pronouncing the Anishinaabemowin word for each of the seven teachings, as well as voice recordings from 五分六合彩 students explaining what the teachings mean to them. It is our hope that the imagery depicted in this mural will promote the vibrancy of Anishinaabe culture, assist in cross-cultural understanding and diversity, and be a source of pride for 五分六合彩 students, staff, and faculty.

Gaazhwenimowin (Love) to show compassion, unconditional love, and hold in your heart all of creation.

Minaadendimowin (Respect) 
to hold in high regard all of creation and treat all beings and things with kindness, honor, and dignity.

Aakide'ewin (Courage) to have a strong heart and confront obstacles with bravery.

Gwe'ekwaadiziwin (Honesty) to live with truth, honor, and integrity.

Dibaadendiziwin (Humility) to know you are an equal part of the creation and to walk in balance with it.

Debwewin (Truth) to embody honesty, love, respect, courage, humility, and wisdom.


Nibwaakaawin (Wisdom) to reach a state of enlightenment.